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Sunday, September 4, 2011

*Post-Play* Crackdown

As posted in my previous blog, I noticed this game on a recent trip down to GameStop and thought I'd pick it up.  Originally I played this at a friend's house long, long ago, and enjoyed it quite a bit; never followed up on it since I never had an XBOX until years later. When I first started playing, I noticed how heavily the game borrowed from elements of Grand Theft Auto such as the targeting system, the sandbox like cities, and the ability to commandeer vehicles through theft or picking them up from a dealer. Turns out that my suspection of the game borrowing from GTA was true afterall, being that Realtime Worlds' founder, David Jones, was also the creator of the Grand Theft Auto series.

When you start up the game, the menu just wreaks of old XBOX, but don't let the menu fool you... the game itself is fantastic. The basic story of the game is that there are 4 different islands, 3 of which are over-run by their respective gangs: Los Muertos, The Volk, and Shai-Gen Corporation. Your job is to wipe out all 21 of their gang leaders, then wipe out the top leader in order to clean up each faction of the city.

There are different online options for the game, such as your friends or even random people can join in your game at any time (with your approval) and help you fight off the gangs or help you do missions; even simultaneously.

The game, you basically play as a super soldier in the future and have 5 traits that you can level up and "evolve" as the game progresses.

This trait helps you run and jump, this trait is enhanced by finding upwards of 500 Agility Orbs hidden on rooftops or by doing rooftop races. This is by far one of the easiest traits to level up due to the fact that you're running and jumping around constantly, and it's way too hard to avoid glowing orbs.... hah!

Driving is a trait that I guarantee you won't level up to max unless you aim for it. You can drive and steal cars just like in any Grand Theft Auto game, but when you're given super speed and super jumping, along with the ability to warp to ammo stations, it is extremely unlikely that cars will be an asset to you. The only way to level this up is to do tricks in your car and to run over gang members, but still pretty useless IMO.

Fuck yes. You have Grenades of several different types, depending on what you stock up on. The more enemies you kill with grenades the higher your skill increases, it's so fun to blow shit up.

You kick someone, they fuckin FLY. The more you kick, the higher this goes....fuck yeah. The stronger you get, the bigger object you can pick up too. You start out only being able to pick up people, but the higher level you get your fighting skill you can eventually pick up cars or even larger objects to throw at your enemies.

Self explanatory. Aim, shoot, die. Level up. The only difference with levels seems to be the accuracy and how long it takes to reload, but other than that it's just run and gun.

To my surprise, the game does end with quite a twist that I wasn't expecting what so ever. So this makes me want to play Crackdown 2 even more to see what exactly the story is about.


  1. Always hated the mutants on there.

  2. I think I'll play...GTA LOL
    May I try it :)

  3. I really loved Crackdown! it's a shame, the xbox-live co-op on crackdown 1 sucked so bad. couldn't afford crackdown 2 either!

  4. I used to get drunk and play this game. So fun!

  5. I've only played the demo, but any game with superhuman speed and jumping is good.

  6. @John
    I hated the mutants too, they'd always show up randomly too.

  7. Hmm i dunno, shall deff check it out :P

  8. I loved Crackdown! I reccomend you try Crackdown 2, they improved on just about everything from the first game.

  9. So basically a crazier GTA? Sounds fun.
    My friend had a 360 but that STUPID RING showed up and now we can't use it anymore. Sigh.

  10. Good review, but damn, now I have to go buy the game

  11. this totaly has my attention now

  12. @Zy
    I really want to play Crackdown 2, I saw it was at Wal-Mart for about $20. I'll head down to GameStop during the week and check to see if they have a used copy.

    I have the newer XBOX 360, I hope I never see that Red Ring :(

    The game is $3 on! Check the amazon URL under the wallpaper listed, it's well worth it!

  13. crackdown? why does this remind me of some crap copy of GTA or saints row lol

  14. Mothafuckin CRACK DOWN! Shit just got REAL!

  15. this game seems awesome, if i get it i will let you know to play oinline :D

  16. Loved this game. Included Halo 3 demo :)

  17. Hell Yea! CrackDown, is kinda fun. I really enjoyed leveling up to the point I could chuck cars at people all day.

    After that it got kinda boring though.

  18. You know, a link to a gameplay video would be nice. Though the game sounds cool just from your short review.

  19. So this is a kind of Saints Row like game? I like the options to play with your friends online, running around in a big world just for the fun of it:D!

  20. Saw my bro playing this one. Quite a decent game, to be honest.

  21. My type of game. Havent actually got round to playing it though.

  22. Never played it, looks fun though!

  23. Never heard of this game. Graphics look kind of like bordlerlands.

  24. Ah i need to play this when my xbox gets fixed :3

  25. looks like a fun game to pick up n play

  26. I love "constantly running and jumping" games

  27. This game looks pretty fun, will give it a shot. Thanks for the review, it sounds like a good game.

  28. Awesome review thankyou very much. Another one to check out.

  29. Gotta check this one out!

  30. im a man in my age, but this still looks cool in my eyes, really!

  31. Looks like a cheap GTA or Saints Row. My type of game!

  32. looks awesome!! :-D
    i love these kind of games

  33. I tried to level up the driving but i ended up with max. fighting and guns.

  34. Loved this game. The second one was such a disappointment.

  35. this seems pretty cool actually!

  36. Haven't played it so far. But it looks cool!

  37. Hope they keep up the series so we get Crackdown 13951 in year 3000 :D

  38. I need to play this game..
