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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

GameStop Purchase - NHL 12 and Crackdown 2

Yesterday after another trip to GameStop, I rewarded myself with two gifts <3

What made mt go to the store to begin with was the fact that I had a reservation for NHL 12, which I am really excited for. My friends all played NHL 11 last season, so after they kept bugging me I finally dropped the coin to get the game, so after about 10 minutes on Craigslist, I found myself a copy and began my obsession. Prior to last year, I hadn't played a Hockey Game since Blades of Steel on the Nintendo, and I was extremely happy with the results of NHL 11, so I was able to look past all of the glitches. After playing 2-3 games of NHL 12, I can say that it's still an extremely fun game, a few tweeks here and there but it's generally the same game. One odd thing I saw was that you have the option to make a female hockey player, problem is she has a male body but a female head, so whatever.

My other gift to myself was purchasing a copy of Crackdown 2. The first Crackdown was an extremely fun game, as you can read in my previous reviews, but this game just doesn't have the same feel to it. Sure it's a sequel and they can't re-hash the same game, but it just doesn't exactly have the same feel to it. Currently I'm a few hours into it, and they've definitely made some improvements but I feel they regressed in some places. Remember in Crackdown when there would be a random mutant? Well there's 8 million in this game, basically a terror organization releases a virus that causes everyone to turn into a mutant..... guess their goal here was to zombify the game which seems to be the norm lately.


  1. Not a big fan of crackdown myself, prefer a bit of COD ;D

  2. >big fan of hockey, even though its pretty much not-existent in my country, NHL (the game) was pretty good as well.

  3. EA's NHL series has been consistently good for a long time! NHL '95!

  4. I used to hammer one of the early versions of this game, It actually doesn't seem to have changed much over the years, but if it aint broke I suppose...

  5. Ooh, seems pretty neat! I should check both out sometime :P

  6. Love me a good NHL game... let the hits commence!

  7. I think I wouldn't like of NHL, but Crackdown 2 seems nice! (although I haven't played the first)

  8. Hockey and zombies, now they should make that , and you would love it! XD
    i cant like sports on video games id rather do them irl but zombies are always good HOCKEY ZOMBIES :D

  9. NHL 12 is pretty damn awesome. And I told you so about Crackdown 2 - biggest disappointment this generation.

  10. i will be keeping an eye to see your impressions on crackdown 2 :)

  11. Hockey Zombies sounds great, lol. But NHL series is great, I remember playing the '97 version also! Good times, however I've never been a huge fan of hockey ;o
