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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gorillaz - Plastic Beach

It's been a while since I bought an album, but while I was driving around with my friend Joe he was playing one of his random playlists and a Gorillaz song came on from the new album Plastic Beach. I've always been a Gorillaz fan, but I never really gave the new album a chance due to the fact that I never looked into it.

So a few days later at school, I was getting in my car and whipped out my phone and headed over to the Zune Marketplace and looked up the song "On Melancholy Hill", so the album had 16 tracks and were $1.29 individually or I could spend $9.99 on the entire album, so I just went for it. And holy fuck......

Track Listing recommend in bold
1. "Orchestral Intro"
2. "Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach"
3. "White Flag"
4. "Rhinestone Eyes"
5. "Stylo"
6. "Superfast Jellyfish"
7. "Empire Ants"
8. "Glitter Freeze"
9. "Some Kind of Nature"
10. "On Melancholy Hill"
11. "Broken"
12. "Sweepstakes"
13. "Plastic Beach"
14. "To Binge"
15. "Cloud of Unknowing"
16. "Pirate Jet"
Total length:

My Thoughts
The album, I personally think is a great album. Just like normal albums, there are a ton of forgettable songs, but the more you listen to it you learn to appreciate. If I had to pick one song out of the bunch that I could listen to on repeat all day, it would have to be "Superfast Jellyfish", that song is just simply amazing and it has a ton of energy in it. The albums only drawback is that there are so many forgettable songs, or at least songs that aren't catchy enough to get my attention in order for them to grow on me.

Album Score


  1. Building a beach, complete with houses and everything, out of lego, would be awesome

  2. I love Gorillaz, but I haven't gotten around to listening to this album yet.

  3. This isn't as good as demon days, but it has some real gems on there. They are bringing out a singles compilation before xmas.

  4. I love Gorillaz, this is a good album :)

  5. Great album, Great band, great review. Gorillaz are one of my favorite bands.

  6. Gorillaz can do no wrong in my opinion.... the Miami Horror remix of "Empire Ants" is really good, you should check it out.

  7. I used to listen to them ages ago, might revisit them now.

  8. Woah I loved gorillaz. I like listening to their old music.

  9. It's been a long time since my last listening to Gorillaz album, but... Man it was worth it. They are just great, pure quality and awesome music.

  10. Came back to watch this video. :D

  11. Rhinestone Eyes is so catchy. You're never too late in finding this video.

  12. Hot album, not their best tho imo

  13. not their best but its a superb album, taken down by a couple hits like white flag etc

  14. Great Album, Thanks for sharing this. I'm going to watch that video again.

  15. I love the song Stylo from this album.

  16. Thanks for bolding a few for me to listen

  17. Gorrilaz have some tremendous songs. This is no exception. Thanks for sharing!

  18. on melancholy hill is one of my favys

  19. That album is amazing!
    I love gorillaz and the song called "melancholly hill"....

  20. wuuut, i was just songing a gorillaz song in my mind hahaha! great post :D

  21. I love Gorillaz!!! Great album! =D

  22. I loved the Gorillaz old stuff. If you say their new stuff is pretty awesome maybe Ill go check them out :)

  23. I miss the days where i would just put an album and listen to it as a whole.. I believe that Plastic Beach is the ideal album for that feeling. One of the best albums from the previous years. Nice review.
